Analysis of SOHO SWAN Observations
of Comet Hale-Bopp (1995 O1)

The SWAN all-sky camera on the SOHO spacecraft observed the hydrogen Lyman-alpha coma of Comet Hale-Bopp (1995 O1) from January through May 1997. The observations covered heliocentric distances from 1.75 AU before perihelion to 1.29 AU after, showing the hydrogen coma to vary in brightness, shape, and orientation with the comet's orbital position. The water production rate of the comet was determined from an analysis of these images with a model that accounts for the detailed physics and chemistry. The model incorporates coma dynamics (expansion velocity and kinetic temperatures), which have been shown to be consistent with a variety of other observations. The distribution of brightness in the modeled images reproduces the absolute magnitude and distribution of brightness seen in the observations. We find that the maximum water production rate occurred about two weeks after perihelion, and that the magnitude and variation with time are consistent with other published observations which were analyzed in a consistent manner.

The H Lyman-alpha Coma of Comet Hale-Bopp Compared with the Visible Dust and Ion Tails.

The field of view is about 40 degrees on a side and was constructed from a SOHO SWAN image taken on the day of perihelion, 1 April 1997. This rendition shows the shapes of H Ly-alpha brightness contours in various intensities of blue. In the center is shown to scale the dust tail as it was typically visible to the unaided eye throughout March and April of 1997. The small yellow circle to the right shows the relatively small size of sun's disk and its direction, but its distance is not to scale. The dust and ion tail photograph is by Dennis di Cicco and Sky and Telescope.

The Evolution of the H Ly-alpha coma of Comet Hale-Bopp with Time.

A series of four half-sky images of the H Ly-alpha emission as observed by the SOHO SWAN instrument shows the cometUs brightness and motion, varying in time. The comet's position is indicated by an arrow for the January and February images. The x-axis is ecliptic longitude and the y-axis is ecliptic latitude.

Radial Outflow Velocity and Kinetic Temperature in the Coma of Hale-Bopp.

Shown are the results of a one-dimensional spherical hybrid kinetic/dusty-gas hydrodynamic calculations from Figure 1 in the paper by Combi et al. (1999b). Above is the variation of the radial outflow velocity with distance from the nucleus for different heliocentric distances of Comet Hale-Bopp. Below are similar curves for the gas kinetic temperature.

Model-Data Comparison of H Ly-alpha Isophote Contours on 1 April


Contours of brightness in kilorayleighs for the SWAN data (solid lines) are compared with those from a model (dashed lines). The model calculation (see Combi & Smyth 1988b) is able to reproduce both the shape and overall radial gradient of the coma. The observed shape is produced by a combination of H atom velocity distribution from photodissociation and partial thermalization, radiation pressure acceleration from solar fluorescent scattering, and the relative orbital motions of the nucleus and H atoms.

Hydrogen Atom Speed Distribution Function.

In (a) is a comparison of the effective speed distribution of H atoms exiting the inner coma with (thick line) and without (thin line) the full physics of partial collisional thermalization from the model for comet Hale-Bopp at perihelion on April 1, 1997. In (b) is a similar comparison except from the model for January 1, 1997 when the comet was 1.75 AU from the sun. Note that for January 1 only a minor modification of the speed distribution results from collisions, whereas the effect is quite important near perihelion.

Comparison of Water Production Rate Determinations in Comet Hale-Bopp.

The water production rates of Hale-Bopp determined from the SWAN observations of H Ly-alpha are compared with those determined from IRTF observations of H2O by Dello Russo et al. (1999) and various observations of OH by Colom et al. (1999) from Nancay, Weaver et al. (1999) with HST and IUE, and Schleicher et al. (1997, 1999) from ground-based photometry at Lowell Observatory.

The Numbers

Click here for tables of the pre- and post-perihelion observational parameters and water production rates.

The Team

The team of scientists consists Michael Combi and Alysha Reinard of the Space Physics Research Laboratory (SPRL) , at the University of Michigan , and Jean-Loup Bertaux and Eric Quemerais of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Service d'Aeronomie, and T. Makinen of the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

Click here for some neat SWAN pictures and movies.